1Q 2019 Middle Market Indicator Reports 8.7% Revenue Growth

With the first quarter of 2019 in the books, the performance indicators from the U.S. middle market are somewhat mixed. At 8.7%, the average rate of year-over-year revenue growth is the second highest ever recorded by the Middle Market Indicator. Yet, compared to 2018, fewer companies indicate that revenue has increased from one year ago. After falling significantly at the end of 2018, the rate of employment growth has inched back up slightly to 5.6%.

Mid-Year 2024 Webinar

Register for the Mid-Year 2024 MMI webinar for the latest performance, trends, and sentiment in the middle market sector. NCMM Managing Director, Doug Farren, will be covering key data and insights on August 7, 2024.


Work With Us

Whether you operate a middle market business, run an organization that serves middle market companies or are otherwise invested in the middle market’s success, the National Center for the Middle Market welcomes and values your contributions. The center offers several ways for organizations to partner with us. Learn more below about the ways you can work with the center and play a vital role in advancing the middle market’s prosperity. 


1Q 2019