4Q Middle Market Indicator Reports 7.9% Revenue Growth

In the fourth quarter of 2018, middle market companies report a strong annualized revenue growth rate of 7.9%. At 5.4%, year-over-year employment growth remains steady and is similar to the close of 2017 and 2016. While confidence in Global, U.S., and local economies is down slightly, all three metrics remain above the historical average reported by the MMI over the past seven years.

Year-End 2023 Webinar Recording

Watch the recording from our latest webinar where Doug Farren, Managing Director of NCMM, reviewed the latest research. You can download the presentation slides here


Work With Us

Whether you operate a middle market business, run an organization that serves middle market companies or are otherwise invested in the middle market’s success, the National Center for the Middle Market welcomes and values your contributions. The center offers several ways for organizations to partner with us. Learn more below about the ways you can work with the center and play a vital role in advancing the middle market’s prosperity. 


4Q 2018