
All significant business decisions are subject to uncertainty, and the all-encompassing scope of acquisitions may make such investments among the most uncertain and subject to surprises. Eliminating uncertainty and surprise is, of course, impossible. Anticipating and preparing for what may lie ahead is not.

Over the last several months, I interviewed over eighty middle market executives and advisors who generously shared their stories and observations regarding post-closing surprises following acquisitions. These executives and advisors were asked about the unique challenges for middle market companies growing through acquisitions, focusing on surprises they encountered and learnings that could benefit their peers.

“If I Had Only Known...” is the result.

Their stories and observations provide insights and (I believe) practical advice for middle market executives seeking to grow their businesses through acquisitions. And from my own experience working with middle market companies, I appreciate that urgency and limited resources can create risk for such firms. As such, practical, actionable advice is essential to support effective acquisitions...:

  • Each with particular circumstances,

  • Each with unique surprises, and

  • Each in a long line of companies finding ways to grow through acquisitions

In closing, I’d like to invite your feedback, whether about this report or about your own experiences with acquisitions surprises. Please contact me at jf@josephfeldman.com. Good luck with your acquisitions!


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